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The Perfect Sunday Reset Routine

Creating the perfect Sunday reset routine will allow you to recharge, prepare, and reset for the week ahead. Keep reading for ideas on what to incorporate into your Sunday reset routine.

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Decluttering your work area or home will allow you to feel more organized and more mentally clear.  Decluttering could simply be tidying up and putting items away that you are finished using. Decluttering should be the first step to your reset routine, as it will give you that clean space to continue the rest of your routine. If your work area or home are messy or unorganized, your mind will be too. Take 10 minutes or so to tidy your area or home and you will start your Sunday off feeling productive!


You don’t need to do an intense or thorough workout on a Sunday, but even if you go for a short 10 minute walk outside or on the treadmill you will feel more awake and will help ease any anxiety you may be feeling. I always notice I feel more anxious on Sundays so I make a point to get some sort of movement in, as I know that will help me feel better both mentally and physically. 

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Organize your calendar for the week and any to do lists, so you are prepared for the week ahead. Writing everything down with to-do lists or your calendar will make it so much easier to start your week when Monday morning comes. You will know exactly what you need to get done and won’t forget anything important. By having your calendar and to-do lists organized on Sunday you can relax and rest knowing you are set up and ready for the week. This will make you feel more at ease and prepared.

Related Post: The Best Relaxing Night Time Routine for Self Care

Set goals for the week

Write down a few goals that you want to accomplish during the week. These could be simple goals such as going for walks, doing a self-care activity, cooking at home, being more positive. Write down your goal list for the week to reflect on at the end of the week. Setting goals is such a good Sunday Reset activity as it will get you in a good mindset of being productive and positive.

reading with coffee
plan weekly workouts

Taking time to plan your weekly workouts will set you up for success throughout the week. If you plan exactly what workouts you want to complete each day during the week it will make it so easy for you to stay on top of them. Whether you write down your workout plan for the week, use a workout planning app such as “JEFIT”, or choose what Youtube workouts you want to follow during the week; find what works best for you to make your workout plans.

decide on YOUR work outfits

Planning your outfits for your work week on Sunday will make your mornings so much less stressful. I like to take photos of my work outfits and it makes it so easy to plan what you want to wear that week. Having this planned out on Sunday will make you feel so ready for the week and not stressed about what outfits you are going to wear. Sunday is all about being organized, prepared, and set up for your week!


As much as we never feel like doing laundry on a cozy, relaxing sunday; you will feel much better after it’s done. When it comes time to put all your clean laundry away I like to play upbeat music to make it a little more fun or watch a relaxing Youtube video. Get all your workout and work clothes clean on Sunday and you will be all set for your week.

wash YOUR bedding

Washing your bedding is one of those tasks that nobody really enjoys doing. Once it’s done though, you will be so thankful you did it. Having fresh, clean bedding is the absolute best way to feel recharged and relaxed on Sunday. Getting into bed at the end of the night to clean sheets will allow you to sleep so much better, it’s better for your skin, and so good for your mental health.

clean out your fridge and grocery shop

Clean out your fridge and throw out any expired products. Empty out anything necessary so you are ready to restock after grocery shopping. Write a thorough grocery list with any ingredients you need for your meals throughout the week so you stay on track while shopping. Starting your week with a fridge full of fresh groceries on Sunday will ease your mind as you already have that checked off your to-do list.


Meal prepping your lunches on Sunday is the best way to stay on track with your fitness goals during the week. Having your lunches prepped already on Sunday will make it so much easier during those busy work days. Take the time on Sunday to meal prep and you will feel a weight off your mind.


Do your in depth hair care routine to feel clean, refreshed, and beautiful! Wash your hair and use your favourite products. Use an intense hair mask to add moisture, hydratation, and help your hair get healthier. You will so refreshed and clean after doing your hair care routine. Starting the week with your hair all clean is the best feeling. Check out my post Beauty Products That Will Make You Look and Feel Your Best for hair care product recommendations.


Use your best skincare products and take your time to make it a relaxing and rejuvenating experience to do your skincare routine. Do a face mask, use a relaxing eye mask, use a hydrating serum; make your skin feel hydrated and refreshed! You will feel so much better if you take some time to care for your skin and use products that really help and work for your skin. Play some relaxing music while you do your skin care and use it as time for yourself to relax. If you are looking for skincare recommendations check out my post Skincare Products for Dry Skin That Will Actually Help.


Do something that makes you happy and boosts your mood! Write in your journal or blog to get your thoughts out and feel recharged. You will feel more relaxed and mentally charged if you do something that inspires and motivates you during your Sunday reset routine. Taking time for ourselves and our mental health is so important and it’s so easy to forget to do that during a busy week, so it’s very important to take even 30 minutes to do something for yourself.


Learning breathing exercises will change your life and your mental health. Try some breathing exercises on Youtube and figure out what ones work to relax you and calm your heart rate. Spend a few minutes doing simple breathing exercises on Sunday to relieve anxiety and settle your mind.


Curl up with your favourite book or comfort show and just relax. Sundays are the best days to lay on the couch for a bit and recharge. Read or watch something that makes you feel cozy or happy. This is so important for our mental health to take the time to relax on Sundays before getting into your week.

What’s your favourite part of your Sunday Reset Routine? Let me know in the comments below!

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