5 minute self-care ideas

63 Easy 5 Minute Self-Care Ideas You Can Do At Home

It’s so important to fit self-care into our days in any way we can, especially on busy days. These are easy 5 minute self-care ideas you can do at home!

5 minute self-care

We tend to forget to include self-care in our days, especially when we get busy and feel like we have no time. The truth is, we can always make time for self-care. Put yourself first for 5 minutes and do a self-care activity from the comfort of your home.

Use these 63 ideas to sneak in easy 5 minute self-care into your daily routine. Once I finally learned to take care of myself and add in quick self-care moments to my days I noticed a huge difference in my well-being.

After reading this list of easy 5 minute self-care ideas you will have SO many ideas that you will LOVE doing self-care. Try these easy 5 minute self-care activities from journaling, stretching, using self-care apps, organzing your phone, and you will feel like a new and improved wellness girly.

This post is all about easy 5 minute self-care ideas you can do at home.

63 Easy 5 Minute Self-Care Ideas:

1. Write in your journal or use a self-care guided journal

Spend a few minutes writing your thoughts out in your journal. Use it as a brain dump to let all your feelings out or use a self-care guided journal to give you prompts and ideas on what to write about.

The best self-care guided journals:

2. Do a quick yoga session or follow a yoga tutorial

Yoga is the perfect 5 minute self care activity. Follow along with a quick, 5 minute yoga video and you will feel so much more relaxed and at ease.

RELATED POST: The Perfect Self-Care Sunday Routine: 17 Ideas To Reset!

3. Do your quick 5- minute stretches

Take 5 minutes to do stretches each morning to re-energize and get your body moving. Try different stretching tutorials on Youtube to easily follow along!

self-care diy ideas

4. Read mindful prompts cards

You can make adding 5 minute self-care into your routine so easily with these mindful prompts cards. Simply read a card and follow the prompt to incorporate mindfulness into your day. These cards make it so easy to relieve stress, boost your mood, be in the moment, and calm your anxiety.

5. Write a gratitude list

There is no excuse to not add in this 5 minute self-care ideas, it’s so easy to do this anywhere you are. Simply use your notes app or a notebook and write a gratitude list. Do this every morning or every night and you will notice how much more positive you feel. Write out anything you are grateful for, no matter what it is!

Use this 5 minute journal that gives you simple prompts to follow!

Gratitude List Example:

  • Your home
  • The weather
  • Your coffee to start your day
  • Your pet
  • A loved one
  • Your health
  • A comfy bed

6. Use a facial steamer

Facial steamers are the perfect way to easily add 5 minutes of self-care into your day. They are so easy to use and will make you feel amazing! Try this facial steamer for an easy 5 minute self-care activity.

Facial steamer benefits:

  • Opens pores
  • Brightens skin
  • Relaxes and calms you
  • Improves circulation
  • Hydrates your skin

7. Organize your purse and wallet

I don’t know about you but I feel like my best self when my purse is cleaned out and tidy. Spend literally 5 minutes to take any garbage out of your purse, declutter it, and only keep the necessities. This is such an easy 5 minute self care idea that will have you feeling so much more organized!

YOU WILL LOVE: Top 10 Life Changing Self-Care Essentials Every Woman Needs

self care guided meditation

8. Meditate

Do a simple 5 minute meditation to feel instant relief from your anxiety and to calm your mind. Find a guided meditation that will relieve tension in your muscles and easy your mind. I LOVE using the Insight Timer app to find guided meditations. This is the perfect 5 minute self-care ideas as it will benefit both your mind and your body!

9. Wash your makeup brushes

None of us enjoy washing our makeup brushes, I know..but you will feel so much more clean after! Use an electric brush cleaner to make it super fast and easy. This is a simple 5 minute self-care act that will really have you feeling like you have your life together!

10. Listen to a podcast

Spend a few minutes listening to a self-care podcast that will inspire you, comfort you and motivate you. Light some candles, get cozy, and relax with a podcast. This is the perfect form of self-care that you can do at home.

Self-care podcasts:

11. Drink your daily greens powder

This is such an easy 5 minute self-care activity that you will want to do daily! Take your greens powder and enjoy all the benefits that come along with it. Taking your greens will reduce stress, boost your energy, promote a healthy gut, and support your immune system.

12. Read a self-help book

This is my personal favourite activity to do when I need a quick 5-minute self-care pick me up! Whether you find a new self-help book you want to try or you want to re-read the best chapter of your favourite self-help book, this is such a great way to easily add self-care to your day.

Self-help books to read:


13. Drink peppermint tea

Make yourself a cozy, warm, comforting cup of peppermint tea in your cutest mug! Nothing will calm your nerves or soothe your anxiety like a hot cup of tea. Sip this slowly while you reflect on your thoughts or listen to calming music.

FREE DOWNLOAD: Download my free self-care workbook!

14. Get cozy with a heated blanket

Get comfy on your couch uor bed and have a quick 5 minute self-care break with your heated blanket. I personally feel the most at ease when I have my heated blanket on, it truly helps calm your mind and relaxes any tension.

15. Find a new hobby to try

Hobbies are SO extremely important for self-care and our mental health. Spend 5 minutes to look into and decide on a new hobby you want to start that will benefit your health. Hobbies will bring you more joy and give you something to look forward to in life.

Hobbies to try:

  • Learn a new instrument
  • Blogging
  • Photography
  • Learn a new language or skill
  • Running
  • Meditating

16. Re-organize your phone

This 5 minute self-care activity is so simple but will have you feeling more put together. Re-organize your phone by deleting apps you don’t use, organize them in folders, and set a new wallpaper.

17. Go for a walk

Simply take 5 minutes to go on a walk outside or on the treadmill. You will feel better and motivated just by moving your body and getting some steps in! Be mindful while you walk and focus on your feet hitting the ground and your breathing. Walking is SO beneficial to our mental and physical health.

18. Take cute photos

Taking cute photos just for fun is an amazing self-care activity. Look up inspo photos on Pinterest and try taking your own cute collages or flat lays of your favourite products. This is such a fun, easy 5 minute self-care activity that you will love!

self-care easy ideas

19. Dance in your room

Play an upbeat playlist and dance around your room! You will feel so care-free, happier, confident and fun. You can easily do this every morning to start your day and you will feel amazing!

20. Follow motivating and inspiring accounts on social media

Search for motivational accounts to follow on social media so you have inspiring and positive content coming up on your feeds. This is the best 5 minute self-care idea to do when you’re busy, tired, or feeling unmotivated; it will truly life your spirit.

21. Use essential oils

Use relaxing essential oils in your diffuser and create the perfect aromatherapy to calm your senses. This is an incredible way to add self-care into your day while doing any other task.

22. Update your planner

I don’t know about you, but using pretty stationary makes me SO happy. Use your cutest planner or to-do lists and incorporate this as a 5 minute self-care activity by planning out your week, your goals, or your to do lists.

23. Do breathing exercises

Breathing exercises quite literally CHANGED MY LIFE. Keep trying different 5 minute breathing exercises until you find one that calms your anxiety and actually works for you. The more you practice these simple breathing exercises, the more your brain will naturally do them, which will immensely improve your mental health.

easy self care tips

24. Have a bath

Grab your calming scented shower steamer or bath bomb and let your stress melt away with a comforting warm bath. There is no way to not feel relaxed after taking a warm bath. Light some candles and play calming music for the perfect 5 minute self-care activity.

25. Do a face mask

Face masks are such a simple way to take care of yourself on busy days. Use a hydrating sheet mask to easily complete a 5 minute self-care activity, no matter how busy you are!

26. Call a friend

Spend a few minutes to call a friend that you know will lift you up and motivate you! Give them a compliment, discuss your goals, talk about something you love; sharing positivity is an incredible form of self-care!

27. Sit outside

Breathe in fresh air! Sit outside or go for a 5 minute walk and use your senses to focus on the feeling of the air outside or any sounds you hear.

28. Download a self-care app

Try a new self-care app that you can use to add in a 5 minute self-care practice. There are so many incredible apps that will actually help you with your self-care goals.

Self-care apps to try:

29. Set your goals

Write down your weekly goals so you know exactly what you want to focus on. Goal setting is such an important part of self-care as it will inspire you to work towards something and to be your best self.

Goal Ideas:

  • To eat healthier
  • Drink more water everyday
  • Start your day with a meditation
  • Use a habit tracker every day
  • Do a 5 minute self-care activity every evening

30. Look at positive quotes

Look up positive quotes on Pinterest or any social media to help you feel inspired, positive, and confident. Positive quotes can truly transform our mindset and our lives.

31. Drink water

Drink more water! Our brains needs enough water to function properly and to feel our best. Take a minute to hydrate and you will feel more clear, more energized, and less stressed.

32. Use a neck and back massager

If our body is tense and muscles tightened, our brain goes into stress mode as well. Use a massager at home to relieve tension in your back and shoulders. This is the most relaxing 5 minute self-care idea!

33. Light a candle

Light a cozy, delicious scented candle to warm up your home and feel relaxed. I LOVE this candle warmer from Amazon to set the perfect ambience and get ready to do your 5 minute self care task.

34. Make a calming playlist

Music will set the tone for your mood and it’s so easy to do while completing any other task. Spend 5 minutes creating the best playlist with calming music.

35. Create a Pinterest self-care vision board

This is the most fun 5 minute self-care activity that will inspire you! Create a self-care vision board on Pinterest and add any aesthetic photos or quotes that motivate you to do self-care!

Follow my self-care vision board for inspiration!

36. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is a simple self-care habit that you can do at home, work, or anywhere you are. Mindfulness means you are focusing on being in the present and enjoying the current moment you are in. Pay attention to all your senses to ground you and stay in the present. Try these mindfulness cards from Amazon to help!

37. Clear out your social media followings

Spend a few moments going through your followings in all your social media and clear out any that make you feel negative.

38. Do some coloring

Adult coloring books are an incredible way to spend your 5 minutes of self-care. This will truly relax you and calm your mind. P.S. you need this markers, they make coloring so fun!

39. Write a letter to a loved one

This is the most wholesome 5 minute self-care idea that will have you feeling so much joy. Spend a few minutes handwriting a letter to a loved one to brighten their day.

40. Watch a cozy Youtube video

I do this self-care idea every evening, it’s SO inspiring and relaxing. Find YouTubers you love to follow that post cozy, aesthetic videos and spend your 5 minute self-care activity watching a video. I watch them while I blog to motivate me.

Self-care YouTubers I Watch Daily:

41. Write a bucket list

Write out your bucket list with anything you want to experience in life! This is an amazing self-care idea to get you pumped up for the future and remind you of everything you have to look toward to.

42. Declutter your work area

Decluttering is honestly the most productive (less than) 5 minute self-care task you can complete. You NEED a clear space to work, so you can focus and concentrate. Put away any items you aren’t using and tidy up your area.

diy self care ideas

43. Do your skincare

Use your best products and do your skincare routine to really take care of yourself. You will feel so refreshed and clean after completing your skincare. This ritual will not only improve your skin but will boost your self-esteem and relax your mind.

44. Use a scalp massager

A scalp massager is such a beneficial 5 minute self-care act as it not only helps your hair but it’s also very calming and will help any anxiety. Use a scalp massager like this from Amazon and you will feel amazing.

45. Snuggle your pet

Cuddling with your pet will reduce any anxiety, improve your mood, and calm you. Take time to snuggle your pet, this is the perfect 5 minute self-care idea!

46. Book a self-care appointment

Treat yourself and book a self-care appointment! We all deserve to pamper ourselves and do something that will give us confidence and bring us joy. We often forget to take care of ourselves but by booking an appointment now, you will already set plans to do something for yourself!

Self-care appointment ideas:

  • Facial massage
  • Mani/Pedi
  • Get your brows done
  • Accupunture
  • Therapy
  • Get your hair done

47. Use an ice roller on your face

Try out this easy 5 minute self-care idea and you will not be disappointed! Using an ice roller has TONS of benefits; it will reduce puffiness, improve circulation, provide relaxation, relieves headaches, and stimulates lymphatic drainage. Could you ask for more?? Give it a try and let me know if it helped you!

easy self-care routine

48. Make a smoothie

Make a delicious, healthy smoothie with all the best ingredients. Use an aesthetic glass and straw to *truly* enjoy your smoothie. This is such a simple but perfect self-care idea, you can get so many nutrients and vitamins by making your own smoothie.

49. Clean your jewelery

Spend a few minutes making your jewelery look brand new again! There are so many types of jewelery cleaners that you can use right at home to make your jewelery sparkly and shiny again.

Jewelery cleaners to use at home:

50. Self tan

Self tanning will have you feeling like your best self again! Spend some time to re-apply your self tan at home to boost your confidence and feel amazing. Self tanning is such an easy self-care idea you can do from the convenience of your home.

51. Find a new blog to read

I have SO many favourite self-care blogs that I love to read and catch up with when I need a pick me up. Blogs have tons of fresh ideas for you to incorporate in your routines and they will inspire and motivate you to be your best self.

The best self-care blogs to inspire you:

52. Watch the sunrise or sunset

Watch the sunrise or sunset while being mindful and enjoying the present moment. Use that time to reflect on your thoughts and goals. This will provoke inspiration, provide a sense of peace, and enhance your mood.

self-care tips and ideas

53. Use an exfoliating body scrub

Using an exfoliating body scrub will have you feeling like a whole new woman..seriously. You will feel incredibly soft, smooth and fresh after using a body scrub. This is one of my absolute favourite 5 minute self-care activities as it’s so relaxing and your skin will feel incredible after.

Benefits to using an exfoliating body scrub:

  • Gets rid of dry or dead skin
  • Promotes circulation
  • Makes your skin more soft and smooth
  • Brightens skin
  • Relaxes and calms your mood

54. Put your bedding in the wash

Who doesn’t love freshly cleaned sheets and bedding? You will thank yourself later if you take 5 minutes to throw your bedding in the wash! Clean sheets, pillow cases, and bedding is so much better for your skin and it will bring you a sense of calmness.

55. Work on a puzzle

Working on a puzzle is a great way to take care of yourself and do some self-care. Puzzles allow you to take a break from overthinking about everything in your life and they allow you to focus on something else. Find a table or somewhere in your home where you can leave a puzzle out and then when you want to complete a 5 minute self-care activity, you can simply go sit and work on a puzzle.

56. Write your to-do list for tomorrow

Write out your to-do list for the next day and you will feel instant relief. Writing out tasks will allow you to take them off your mind for that moment and focus on the present. You will feel so organized, productive, and less stressed if you spend a few minutes writing out your to do list.

57. Water your plants or garden

Gardening or taking care of plants offers so many self-care benefits. It will lower your stress levels, provide mental clarity as you focus on this activity, it will help with mindfulness, bring you joy and a sense of accomplishment.

58. Find books to read or add to your Goodreads want to read list

Is it just me or is it SO much fun to look for new books to read? Spend your 5 minute self-care time by looking up new books to add to your “want to read list” on Goodreads. Browsing for your next book to read can be such a relaxing activity as it takes your mind off any anxiety and allows you to only focus on looking for your next read.

59. Release tension in your body; relax your jaw, shoulders, and all tense muscles

Do a guided meditation that will guide you through all tension in your body and release those tense muscles. Do a quick 5 minute body scan and relax each muscle until you are in a calm state. Try a meditation app that you can use to relax your body such as Insight Timer app.

easy self-care night

60. Use a hair mask

Using a hair mask is the perfect 5 minute self-care ritual that will hydrate your hair and make you feel more confident. This self-care treatment will relax you and allow you to pamper and treat yourself. Use your favourite hair mask and take time to focus on yourself!

61. Make your phone wallpaper a positive quote

This is one of the main things that significantly improved my mental health when I was really struggling. By setting your phone wallpaper to a positive quote, you will see it every time you look at your phone (which is probably a lot). Search for positive quotes on Pinterest, find one that inspires you, and set it as your wallpaper.

62. Spray your pillow with a sleep spray

Sleep sprays enhance self-care by promoting relaxation and improve your sleep quality. Sleep sprays are a mist infused with essential oils that you spray on your pillow or in your room before bed. They create a calming environment and a serene vibe as you fall asleep. This is the most rejuvenating, calming 5 minute self-care ritual to do every night.

63. Have a healthy snack

Having a healthy snack can enhance your well-being in so many ways. It will increase your energy levels, boost your mood, provide nutrients, and improve your overall health. Healthy snack options are a great way to take care of yourself and improve your mood.

This post was all about easy 5 minute self-care ideas you can do at home!

easy self care night routine

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What are your go-to 5 minute self-care ideas to do at home when you need to boost your mood? Let me know in the comments below so I can try them!

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